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Alumni Update: Gareth Nyandoro

Alumni Update: Gareth Nyandoro

Only six months following his Tiwani-sponsored residency at G.A.S. Foundation, Gareth Nyandoro has launched a solo exhibition at Tiwani Contemporary, titled Pfumvudza. The exhibition presents Nyandoro's personal engagement with the concept of pfumvudza (meaning early shoots, to bloom or thrive), and the name of the 2020 Zimbabwean government-sanctioned programme funded by the UN,...

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March and April Residency Update

March and April Residency Update

In March G.A.S. Foundation welcomed the first two residents supported through a new partnership with RCA BLK, the Royal College of Art Association of Black Students, Alumni & Friends. Practitioners Remi Kuforiji and Graeme Smith were selected following an open call in 2023 for an exceptional early/mid-career artist who is an RCA BLK member; and a research-based proposal from the wider RCA...

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Open Call: 2024 Tilga Art Prize Nigeria Edition

Open Call: 2024 Tilga Art Prize Nigeria Edition

Applications Closed

G.A.S. Foundation has once again partnered with Tilga Art Prize to host the winner of the annual open call at G.A.S. for an all-expenses paid residency. Tilga Art Prize are welcoming submissions from artists between the ages of 18 and 30 working and living in Nigeria, or of Nigerian descent. Applicants are invited to submit proposals as individuals or as groups across a variety of...

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Your generous contributions support the Foundation’s distinctive interdisciplinary residencies, research, education programmes and public events.