Support Yinka Shonibare Foundation


We welcome gifts from individuals, public and private funders, supporters and organisations across the globe. With your help, our residents and collaborators can do extraordinary things and change the way in which we see and experience the world around us.


Become a Yinka Shonibare Foundation Patron with our Patrons programme that start from £1,000. To find out more read on below, and for an opportunity to support our projects, please contact Siti Osman on +44 (0) 7961 379730 or by email


£1,000 | Per Annum


Our Bronze level patrons are instrumental in helping us support smaller resident events and operations and have an invaluable impact the quality of experiences we are able to deliver for both our residents and the local community. For their support they will receive:


  • Digital card and welcome email
  • Regular e-news and communications
  • An annual impact report
  • Invitations to exhibitions and public events at G.A.S. Lagos
  • Acknowledgment on the G.A.S. and Y.S.F. websites for the year



£5,000 | Per Annum


Silver level donations go directly towards funding residency experiences including mentoring and trips, our local events programme, and operations. In addition to the above benefits donors at this level will receive:


  • Invitations to private views and exclusive events at G.A.S. Lagos
  • Acknowledgment in the annual impact report


£10,000 | Per Annum


All donations go directly towards funding open calls and associated residencies that target emerging talent as well as events and operations. For their generous support our Gold patrons will receive all of the benefits associated with the Bronze and Silver levels alongside the following:


  • Two exclusive invitations to Patron-only events in Lagos and one other global location


£20,000 | Per Annum


The Platinum Residency Patron level is for donors who want to commit to supporting a residency award in Nigeria. In addition to the above benefits, patrons at this level will receive:


  • A Thank You letter from the CEO
  • Exclusive studio visits or one-to-one with residents during their residency (live or virtual)
  • Acknowledgment in the seasonal events programme
  • Invitations to international trips*
  • Acknowledgment on the donor plaque at G.A.S. Lagos for the duration of support

* At an additional cost



£50,000 | Per Annum | By Invitation Only


The Global Circle offers a platform to support strategic, sustainable programmes with cross-cultural impact. Building meaningful connections and collaborations with like-minded individuals, with a focus on nurturing cultural ecosystems, empowering socioeconomic development, and bolstering infrastructure. Together we aim to amplify diverse creative expressions and enrich our global community.

Global Circle patrons will receive all the aforementioned benefits alongside:


  • VIP access to global art events*, an annual gathering and special moments with Yinka Shonibare CBE
  • A personalised Thank You letter signed by Yinka Shonibare CBE

*Through partnerships and collaborations


“The Foundation will provide a platform for cultural exchange between African and international artists, curators and researchers from all corners of the globe. Culture is the true vehicle for social change and here we value diversity, collaboration, mutual learning and celebrate global culture and our shared humanity.

There will be opportunities for visitors to work alongside African artists, to debate alongside them, to explore work, and leave with a completely different perspective. We are working with local communities, whilst opening doors for the next generation, equipping them to thrive not just survive.”

Yinka Shonibare CBE RA

How You Can Support Our Foundation

Your generous contributions support the Foundation’s distinctive interdisciplinary residencies, research, education programmes and public events.